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        2020 Spring - Summer Journal #06 2020 Spring - Summer Journal #06

        Salad Days Ceramics – Handcrafted Ceramics Salad Days Ceramics - Handcrafted Ceramics



        ルーシー・クートは陶器ブランドSalad Daysのクリエイター、陶芸家。ブランド名はシェイクスピア文学にも言及のある古い慣用表現で、輝く青春時代を回顧する際に使われる。庭の物置小屋で陶土の成型作業をする彼女が追求するのは、機能性と触り心地に焦点を当て、時代を超えて日常で使い愉しむことのできる器だ。


        Lucy Coote is the creator and ceramist behind Salad Days. Originally a Shakespearian idiom, the term Salad Days refers to the nostalgia of youth and reminiscing on the golden periods of one’s life. In the shed in her garden, Lucy throws and shapes pieces carrying a focus on function and tactility, creating timeless items that can be used and enjoyed every day.

        As we enter the garage where Lucy keeps her kiln, a large array of unglazed pieces catch our eyes. Lined up like a small battalion, the powerful shapes cast clean shadows.


        Interview 「ミニマルな美しさが機能性に出会う時」




        「私の友人がいくつか作品を売ってもらえないかと言うので、そのために自分でカタログを作りました。そのカタログを私の器を最初に取り扱うことになった地元のショップ兼ギャラリーPrecinct 35に渡したことで、全てが進んでいきました」

        2010年に夫とともにシドニーに移住した際、ルーシーは新しい仕事を探すことに。求職中も自宅で陶芸をすることが彼女の日常の大半を占めることになり、それをSalad Daysと言う屋号でビジネスとして展開し始めた結果、大きな飛躍を遂げることになる。創作を重ねる過程で彼女の造形表現は自然と発展を遂げ、現在の洗練されミニマルでありながらどこか親しみのあるスタイルにたどり着いた。


        「私の器は日常づかいしてもらいたいと考えています。機能的でありながら美しくあってほしい」 そう話す彼女の器作りの出発点は、その器がどんな状況、目的で使用されるかを考えることからだと言う。例えば飲食店から特定のメニューのための器を依頼されたとき、客がどのように使い、また料理人がどのように食事を盛り付けるかまで考える。機能性と美の両軸のバランスを見出すのが彼女の仕事の基本だ。

        Salad Daysのネーミングは、よき日々を回想する際に用いられる英語の古い慣用表現に由来する。その名にふさわしく、ありふれた日常に潜む小さくも素晴らしい瞬間を祝う役割を果たすのが、彼女の器だ。

        Interview “Where minimalistic beauty meets practicality”

        A slightly freckled-faced Lucy Coote peeks through the opening garage shutters. Wearing blue overalls and a t-shirt, she smiles and welcomes us into her garage studio. In front of a large kiln rests dried and unglazed pieces of ceramics, neatly lined up in an army of smooth, circular lines.

        “The little ones are taking a nap so we might be better off here in the studio where I throw my pieces,” Lucy says and points to the quaint shed, hidden behind a green-painted wooden door.

        Yearning for a creative outlet, Lucy took up a ceramics night class while working full-time. It didn’t take long before she was hooked on ceramics and obtained a membership where she was practising. In the following years, she spent some time living in Hong Kong and Australia. Although still working, she continuously practised with different teachers, submerging herself more and more into the realm of ceramics. Having numerous teachers during the years made her constantly try new styles and techniques, broadening her skills.

        “My friend asked me if I could sell some of my pieces to them, and so I made a catalog. Presenting that catalog to my first stockist, Precinct 35, is where everything took lift re-ally,” she reflects.

        After moving to Sydney with her husband in 2013, Lucy found herself looking for a new job. While job-hunting, practising ceramics at home became a big part of her everyday life, eventually making her take the leap to turn her craft-making into a business – ‘Salad Days’. Over time, her language of form developed organically, resulting in her distinct clean, minimalistic but intimate style today.

        Her routine consists of throwing most of her pieces at the beginning of a week, letting them dry for one to two days and then trimming them. Later in the same week, the pieces are finished and she uses the remaining time to answer emails and look over orders. With the aim of elevating everyday rituals, she sees herself as a craftsman rather than an artist.

        “I want my pieces to be used every day. To be functional but still beautiful,” says Lucy, who goes on to explain how thinking about the purpose of a piece usually becomes the starting point of creation. If there is an order from a restaurant asking for a piece to be made specifically for a dish, she would reflect on how the customer would eat from that piece while taking the plating of the chef into consideration as well. The foundation of Lucy’s work lies in finding balance between functionality and beauty.

        As the name ‘Salad Days’ originates from an old English idiomatic expression of reminiscing one’s good days, Salad Days Ceramics celebrates those mundane yet wonderful everyday moments through ceramics, however small.




        Lucy Coote started Salad Days Ceramics in 2016 after taking up pottery night classes in search of a creative outlet while working full-time. Focusing on functionality and tactility, Lucy creates handmade pieces to be used and enjoyed in everyday life.


        2020年3月25日(水) Mar 25, 2020



