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        Dialogue with Nature #07 Dialogue with Nature #07

        「雪を踏む音 - 北横岳」 鈴木優香 The sound of tramping snow - Kitayokodake - Yuka Suzuki




        I can hear the sound of crampons tramping on snow. The sound of people’s footsteps drawing near and drifting away, stopping on some good spots, and walking again at their own pace. When passing by junctions or when a scenery comes up, we exchange short words with each other like “It’s cold” or “It’s beautiful.”


        When the snow piles up in the mountains, the first thing I do is to practice by climbing up Kitayokodake. I have climbed this mountain several times, and this has been my usual routine ever since I started climbing mountains in the winter.


        This day was very sunny, and I could see the fresh snow from last night shimmering on my foot. Passing through Tsuboniwa, we entered the forest lined with coniferous trees. Once we have climbed up the zigzag path, we saw Mt. Shimakare through the trees.


        After taking a break at the hut in Kitayokodake hutte, we trailed a little further along the sloped path. You will know when you have reached the summit of Nanpou at the end of the forest. Here, you can see the extensive view of the Minami Yatsugatake Mountain Range and if you walk further until Kitamine, you will see the towering Mt. Tateshina right before your eyes. Behind that is the Northern Alps, where you can see it covered in snow. This is the first time I’ve seen this view clearly from the summit.


        As we went back from the route we came from and entered the forest, the sound of the wind faded away, and we were enveloped with silence. As the fine snow danced and sparkled from the trees overhead, memories of the days I had walked this way before suddenly fluttered down into my mind.


        There was a time when a blizzard came and I couldn’t see what’s in front of me, and there was also a time when I was completely exhausted after a long traverse, but either way, both were such good days. Exchanging brief words and checking on each other’s footsteps, climbing together and sharing the same sceneries, that itself was a wonderful experience. There are some people I still go climbing with even now, while others I haven’t seen since, but I do hope all of them would still remember the memories in this mountain even just for a little.


        Will I ever remember the clear skies today? Walking on the same path towards Kitayokodake.


        I took off my hood that I had on when I was at the summit, and when I heard the sound of crampons tramping on snow from the distance, I followed it and began to descend.


        【Our route this time】
        Kitayatsugatake Ropeway Sancho Station → Kitayokodake hutte → Kitayokodake (2,480m) → Shimakaresansou → Kitayatsugatake Ropeway Sancho Station
        Course time: Approximately 3 hours

        山岳収集家。大学院卒業後はアウトドアメーカーに入社し、商品企画・デザインを手がける。2016年に独立し、山で見た景色をハンカチに仕立ててゆくプロジェクト「MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR」を開始。山と旅をライフワークとしながら、写真・デザイン・執筆などを通じた表現活動を続けている。

        Yuka Suzuki
        After graduating from graduate school, she joined an outdoor manufacturer, where she worked on product planning and design, before going independent in 2016 and starting her own project, "MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR," in which she makes handkerchiefs from the scenery she sees in the mountains. She continues to express herself through photography, design, and writing, with mountains and travel as her life's work.

        2023年1月27日(金) Jan 27, 2023


        Photo & Text: Yuka Suzuki



