『重要』「Goldwin Online Store利用規約」の改定について

        2019 Summer Journal #12 2019 Summer Journal #12

        若岡拓也コラム「新しいスタートのためのゴール」 TAKUYA WAKAOKA Column "Goals for a new start"




        Goals for a new start


        それ以前、20代の僕はというと、怒られないで1日の仕事を終えることばかりを考えて立ち回っていた。ひなたでうたた寝する犬のように、静かに過ごす。それはそれで居心地のいい日々だったが、20代が終わろうとする時期になり、がくぜんとした。 10年間でたいした成功も失敗もしていなかった。



        I was reborn at age 30, when I pushed through thickets, got lost on the path in the Amazon River basin, and eventually completed running through the jungle. I had finished running a 275km-long race, spanning over seven days, and though it may seem like an exaggeration, it was true.

        Prior to that, in my 20s, I lived only thinking about getting through the work day without getting angry. I lived quietly, like a dog nap-ping in a sunny place. Those were comfortable days, but by the time I reached the end of my 20s, I was terrified. In 10 years, I had no great successes nor failures.

        The fact that I had no failures was because I had never challenged myself. I could not continue that way. My impatience grew, and I impulsively quit my company.

        Driven by my deep urge to run away from any-thing related to civilization, symbolized by my company, I entered a race to run through the jungle with this impulse.

        I had three months to prepare. I trained every-day. It was a perfectly happy time for me. Even so, it was crazy for me to attempt this race as someone without sufficient running experience.

        Thinking about that now, as someone who regularly runs long distance, I think it was my determination to accomplish something, some-how, at that time.

        Supported by such strong sentiments, I ran and pushed my worn-out body to its limit.




        My knees creaked and my ankles became swollen. Every part of my body always hurt, and I was completely lost on the trail everyday, covered in cuts and scratches. Sometimes I gave up on running, dragging my heavy feet with a hanging head. But even then, it was fun. I felt like I was living with all my strength.

        On the last day, as I approached my goal, something changed within me. I realized that continuing to challenge myself is everything. There was meaning in pouring all of my energy into this. That moment was the start of the next decade in my life, my 30s.

        Five years have passed since my days in the jungle, and I’ve welcomed the turning points in my 30s as well. In that period, I’ve become a freelancer and my life has changed greatly, and now I have no impatience. I continue to run without stopping, towards my next goal.

        1984年生まれ、金沢市出身。元新聞記者。2014年に退職後、ブラジルのアマゾンを1週間かけて250km走るステージレース「ジャングルマラソン」に出場。食糧や衣類などの荷物10kgを背負ったまま、ジャングルを駆け抜け、完走を果たす。帰国後、福岡県の東端に位置する上毛町に引っ越し、15年7月から地域おこし協力隊として活動。ライターと兼業しつつ、国内外のステージレースで優勝、入賞するなど走り回っている。 17年8月から山小屋で生活している。

        Born in 1984, in Kanazawa City. Former newspaper reporter. After retiring from journalism in 2014, Takuya Wakaoka entered a week-long “jungle marathon,” spanning 250km in the Amazon in Brazil. Carrying a 10kg pack of provisions and clothes on his back, he ran through the jungle and completed the race. After returning to Japan, he moved to Kouge Town, located in the easternmost part of Fukuoka Prefecture. In July 2015, he began working as a volunteer for regional migration. His second job is as a writer, and he runs while winning races in Japan and abroad and competing. In August 2017, he began to live in a mountain hut.

        2019年8月20日(火) Aug 20, 2019

        写真: 山田薫
        文章: 若岡拓也

        Photographer: Kaoru Yamada
        Text: Takuya Wakaoka



