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        2020 Summer Merino - Aya Taue 2020 Summer Merino - Aya Taue

        Summer Merino - Aya Taue 2020 Summer Merino - Aya Taue




        Living in a restless city can feel stifling, and the desire to spend time surrounded by greenery at least on the weekends comes to mind. That being said, it is not that easy to change our daily habits. I travelled to Shonan in early summer and visited a person who embraced her inner voice calling for nature and chose to actually leave the city. What was it that caused her to change?


        “While facing the gloominess I had for work, I started living in Shonan just on the weekends to begin with. While I was spending time in nature, the urge to live in a more natural environment kept getting stronger.” These are the words of Ms. Aya Taue, who continues to be active as a fermenter based in Shonan. She used to work in Tokyo and was involved in the modelling and apparel industries. Even though, at first glance, she was part of a spectacular world, she says that she constantly felt uncomfortable with her work style and way of living.

        「たまたま『発酵道』という1冊の本と出会ったのですが、職人さんの情熱と“発酵”の奥深さにすっかり感銘を受けてしまって。自分も情熱を注げる何かを見つけたいなと思って、地元の湘南で畑を探し始めたんです」。そうさらりと言ってのける、行動力こそが彼女の眩しい魅力の1つだろう。なおその頃は農業関係者の知り合いなど当然いなかったそうで、「畑 湘南」とキーワード検索することからスタートしたというエピソードを聞いてぐっと親近感が湧いた。 発酵に造詣の深いオーナーの下、地元の飲食店で働きながら、湘南中心の生活へと徐々にシフト。念願である自分の畑を見つけるまでには約1年を費やした。「畑をやりたいと言い続けて、やっとご縁をいただくことができました」と笑顔で当時を振り返る。「自分の畑で採れたものってすごく愛しいんです。次はこのお野菜で料理が作りたいなと思って、自然な流れでキッチンに立つようになりました」。

        “I happened to find a book called ‘The Way of Fermentation,’ and the passion of the artisan and the depth to fermentation left a strong impact on me. I thought that I also wanted to find something that I could be passionate about, and so I started to look for farms in my hometown of Shonan.” Although she declared this lightly, her proactiveness is one of her charms. She spoke about how, at the time, she had no friends who were involved in agriculture, so she started by searching with the keywords “farms” and “Shonan.” Listening to her story, I felt a great affinity to her. While working in a local restaurant, under an owner who was well-versed in fermentation, she gradually began living mainly in Shonan. It took her about one year before she reached her goal of starting her own farm. Smiling as she reminisces on those times, she said, “I kept saying that I wanted my own farm, and I was finally able to get one. You really love what you harvest on your own farm. I then wanted to use my vegetables in meals, and this naturally led to me to cooking.”


        Even when I do heavy lifting or run a little, the smell of sweat does not bother me at all.” Not only is merino wool naturally antibacterial and odor-resistant, and has properties that make it difficult for microorganisms to stick to, but one of the major features of the icebreaker is that it uses minute and soft, supermicro fibers. Ms. Taue charmingly added that, “When I actually put it on, I was impressed by the strength and softness of the merino wool. I don’t have to worry because even if I accidentally spill some water on it, it will dry quickly.”


        Ms. Taue’s current lifestyle involves going back and forth from the sea to the farm, and from Shonan to Tokyo. She was raised in a seaside town, and when she looks back, she finds that being in an environment surrounded by nature gives her the best life. “Experiencing life in the city is precisely what made me realize the value of nature, but moving away also helped me realize the appeal of the city,” she said, speaking about living with the good qualities of both lifestyles. It seems that many of her friends from the city actually come to visit, looking for a healing and refreshing break from the hustle and bustle. Speaking about her future goals, Ms. Taue said, “I want to create a place where people do not just stay, but also experience nature through such things as meals and yoga.”


        Ms. Taue’s current lifestyle involves going back and forth from the sea to the farm, and from Shonan to Tokyo. She was raised in a seaside town, and when she looks back, she finds that being in an environment surrounded by nature gives her the best life. “Experiencing life in the city is precisely what made me realize the value of nature, but moving away also helped me realize the appeal of the city,” she said, speaking about living with the good qualities of both lifestyles. It seems that many of her friends from the city actually come to visit, looking for a healing and refreshing break from the hustle and bustle. Speaking about her future goals, Ms. Taue said, “I want to create a place where people do not just stay, but also experience nature through such things as meals and yoga.”

        Summer Merino - Aya Taue

        田上彩(Aya Taue) / 海と畑を愛する発酵人。味噌など発酵食品のワークショップを開催するほか、イベント出店や商品開発など、発酵の魅力を伝える活動を続けている。湘南を拠点に、海と畑を行き来するのが日々のルーティン。

        2020年8月28日(金) Aug 28, 2020

        写真: 山田薫 文章: 藤本麻子,メディアサーフコミュニケーションズ株式会社

        Photographer: Kaoru Yamada Text: Asako Fujimoto,Media Surf Communications Inc.



