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        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #01 2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #01

        DILL eat,life. - 山戸浩介、山戸ユカ DILL eat,life. - Kosuke Yamato , Yuka Yamato




        “Fate and timing.” While hiking on the unfamiliar mountain trail, those were the words that popped up in my mind.When it comes to human relationships, whether it is for work or a hobby, any encounter comes down to these two things. And a chance meeting with a piece of land or a mountain is no different.
        Visiting Kosuke and Yuka Yamato requires a two-hour car drive from central Tokyo to their home in Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture.

        Interview 「山暮らしの魅力を届けるレストラン」



        Interview “The restaurant that delivers the allure of mountain life.”

        Yuka, a culinary researcher, explained to us, “It was always my dream to run my own restaurant.” She worked at a Tokyo eatery to save enough money to open her own place, but when she met Kosuke, his wide and varied interests helped open her eyes. “Until I met him, my perspective of the world was very narrow. Thinking back now, the sort of shop that kind of person would run might be quite boring.” They each quit their jobs and spent eight months traveling the world. They used up every last yen they had saved on the road.

        After returning to Japan, Kosuke took a new job with an outdoor equipment company. Outdoor sports was added to his list of hobbies, with weekends increasingly spent in nature—enhanced by the fact that Yuka’s parents had just moved to Yamanashi. It was just then that the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster struck. Like many other people, this made them rethink their lifestyle and living arrangements. “We realized that we were living in Tokyo because of our jobs and because that is where we had always lived.” The couple made a decision to move to Yamanashi, given that “her parents were there so we knew the area quite well.” Then, suddenly came the opportunity to realize their dream.

        2013年、レストラン「DILL eat,life.」が八ヶ岳の麓にオープン。名前の由来は、リラックス効果のあるハーブのディル。またディルの語源には人を和ませるという意味があり、「お店に来てごはんを食べて、景色を楽しんだり、リラックスしてゆっくり和んでもらえるような空間に」という想いも込めた。「生きることの基本である食=eatと、山での暮らし=life。それが感じられるライフスタイルレストランにしたかったんです」。ウェブサイトにも料理の写真に混じってクライミングの1シーンが並んでいたりと、山の暮らしの魅力が散りばめられているのが窺える。



        The restaurant, “DILL eat,life.”, opened in the foothills of the Yatsugatake Mountains in 2013. Its name is derived from dill, the herb with known relaxation effects. The word itself is derived from the Old Norse word for “soothing,” so the idea was that “when people come to eat at our restaurant, they can have a calm moment, relaxing and taking in the scenery.” Then, “‘eat’ is the basis of life and ‘life’ means living beside the mountains. That is the feeling we wanted for our lifestyle restaurant.” The website features attractive morsels of mountain living, with mountain climbing photos mixed with photos of food.

        Yuka mostly uses vegetables sourced directly from local organic farmers in her dishes. “I choose the produce that is most delicious in that season, and on that day,” she said. Yuka comes up with the menu after looking at what farmers have brought in that morning, so the dishes available one day may not be on the menu the next.

        Kosuke took charge of building the restaurant premises. His affection for the place is reinforced by the months he spent working side by side with the builder. “One of the reasons for choosing to live in the country was that we could build our own living space with our own two hands. Being able to do everything by ourselves is the dream.”




        Lately, he has spent more time at home, which means he can devote time to long-neglected tasks. “The two of us painted the walls of the house and we started a compost, which was great fun. Before, if we ever had a day off with decent weather, we would have just gone into the mountains.” Hearing this was the longest they had ever gone without a trip to the mountains, Kosuke’s face broke into a smile.

        DILL eat,life. opened again in June, but dinner is now by reservation only. Until the pandemic, they had been tied down by the idea that a restaurant had to stay open until a certain time regardless of whether any diners were there. “We thought that food loss was not a problem as long as all the food eventually got eaten. Rather, it was the lost time and regret when nobody showed up that was hard, so getting rid of that has been a relief.”

        With more free time and relaxation, they also tried something new by putting their energy into developing trail food. This is food dried for eating as a ready meal in the mountains or on a trek, cooked without the use of chemical seasonings or other additives while accentuating the flavor of the ingredients. With the increased time people are spending at home, online demand is up. “We were always so busy with the restaurant, but now even if the restaurant is shut, the fact we have the trail food business puts our minds at ease. In the future, we would love to take on new challenges, perhaps picking up something that sounds good from time to time.”


        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal 特設ページはこちらより

        Now, while working on this story, I was able to sense the strength of their relationship wherever we went, but my heart was warmed by one story in particular. “Once, I wanted a border design Icebreaker, but I accidentally bought one in an XS size,” related Kosuke. “I tried to make it fit a few times, but I suddenly realized it was the perfect size for her, so I gave it to her instead.” Yuka often wears that striped shirt when she goes to the mountains. “I love the collar of the women’s shirt that is loose enough to wear around casually. The comfort is excellent, and the great thing about Icebreaker is that it is also insulated so you don’t get cold, even if you have wet skin.”

        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal
        Click here to visit our special page

        DILL eat,life. - 山戸浩介、山戸ユカ

        山戸浩介(Kosuke Yamato),山戸ユカ(Yuka Yamato) / 2013年に東京から八ヶ岳の麓に移住し、レストラン「DILL eat,life.」を開店。アウトドア輸入メーカーのスタッフだった浩介さんと料理研究家のユカさんによる、山暮らしの魅力が詰め込まれたライフスタイルレストランとして話題を呼んでいる。

        Kosuke and Yuka Yamato moved from Tokyo to the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake in 2013. Together they opened the restaurant "DILL eat, life.". Kosuke, who used to work for an outdoor importer, and Yuka, who is a culinary expert, have created a lifestyle restaurant filled with the allure of mountain living that has attracted a lot of attention.

        2020年10月4日(日) Oct 4, 2020

        写真: 山田薫 文章: 藤本麻子,メディアサーフコミュニケーションズ株式会社

        Photographer: Kaoru Yamada Text: Asako Fujimoto,Media Surf Communications Inc.



