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        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #02 2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #02





        「山岳収集家」を名乗る鈴木優香さんも、自分が愛を注いでいるものを縫い合わせて、自分だけの職業を生み出した1人。彼女のプロジェクト「MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR」を端的に説明するならば、山で撮った写真をハンカチに仕立てるという活動だ。先駆者のいない茨の道を選んだことで負った傷もあるのだろうか、少しもそんなことを感じさせず、唯一無二の肩書きを携えて歩む姿が眩しくて仕方ない。

        As the ways of working and lifestyles have diversified, it seems there has been a sudden flowering in the different types of jobs people are doing. In the blink of an eye, the job titles that we have all heard of and the hankering for a smart English title have disappeared and all of the attention is now focused on how best to make a job out of our own unique attributes.

        Yuka Suzuki, who calls herself a “mountain collector,” is someone who has created her own job stitching together things that she loves. To be precise, her Mountain Collector project involves printing photos she has taken of landscapes onto handkerchiefs. Surely, she bears some scars from beating her path into the unknown, but it does not show in the least. In fact, she carries her unique title with incredible lightness.

        Interview 「山で見た景色をハンカチに」



        Interview “A handkerchief with a view of the mountains.”

        The first thing I lay eyes on upon entering her workspace is the bookshelf, where lofty mountaineering titles share space with a cute assortment of little paperbacks. Yuka, in contradiction of her adventurous life today, used to be an indoorsy person who loved general merchandise stores. She entered art school to study product design, but a few days of class camp staying in a mountain hut would change her life. “I had never done camping or mountain treks before. That was the first time I had ever experienced the joy of a mountain sunrise or of being immersed in nature.” Yuka began to pay attention to mountains and when she graduated, she joined an outdoor gear manufacturer. Traveling into the field on a near weekly basis, she dived headfirst into mountaineering.



        Yuka always has her film camera in hand on a mountain trip. Unlike a digital camera, the number of photos that can be taken is limited, which is precisely why “When I find something interesting on a hike, I first decide about whether to photograph it or not. If I feel any doubt, I will leave it.” She typically has trouble making decisions, she tells me, so this was a fun way to train herself.

        Looking across her workshop once again, I now understand how she only selects those items that truly draw her, and the treasures from the trail include pebbles, a Lao spirit doll, a glass sculpture of a snow-capped mountain and wire. When I have a go at assembling a display like Yuka’s, I realize that I lack any confidence in editing my objects. “Sometimes I have an argument with myself about whether to take something home or not, or whether to take a picture or not. It is that intention to cherish something which creates affection for it.”

        山を歩く時、行きと帰りで同じルートを辿ることは少ないという。あったとしても日が違えば天気も変わり、同じ景色はもう2度と見られない。「山の景色の儚さだとか、変わりゆく一瞬を切り取って、カタチに残して手に取れるようにしたいと思って」。布という素材がずっと好きだったという鈴木さんにとって、写真をハンカチに落とし込んだ今のプロダクトに行き着いたのはごく自然な流れだった。MOUNTAIN COLLECTORのハンカチは、生地の透け感も大きな特徴の1つ。「薄手の生地は、光に透かすと色が薄くなるし、折り畳んで生地が重なり合うとまた表情が変わるんです。そういう変化を感じられるのが、山の景色とも似てるなって」。


        When she is out walking, she says she rarely takes the same route home. If she does, it would be a different day or different weather conditions, so no view is ever the same. “I want to capture the transience of the mountain scenery, and the moment that it changes, in concrete form.” For Yuka, who has always admired cloth as a material, arriving at her current product of imprinting photos on handkerchiefs was an organic process. One of the main features of Mountain Collector handkerchiefs is the transparency of the fabric. “When light shines on thin fabric, the color drains, and when you fold it over it changes its look again. That kind of variation is like a mountain view.”

        And when it comes to the fabric of the icebreaker she loves to wear out on the trail, she tells me, “I have always loved woollens. They are comfortable on the skin with all the goodness of natural fibre.” And, she adds, “When climbing, I wear long sleeves even in summer, yet when I sweat, it is still comfortable because it dries in just the time it takes to cool off at the hut.”



        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal 特設ページはこちらより

        Last year, Yuka was going to the mountains once or twice a month. “Because I was always thinking about where to go next, and looking forward to going into the mountains, being at home was very enjoyable.” Asked where she would like to go next, she replies, “I am planning a trekking trip to Sri Lanka with a friend. I would also like to go walking under the big sky in Kyrgyzstan.”

        During her time at home, a new ambition arose. Normally, she would not carry a notepad on a trek, happy with just a camera, but “I have been thinking that I would like to add words to the photos I have taken over the years and make it into a documentary record of my mountain walks.” I look forward to the day when Yuka reveals what those mountain views mean to her in her own words.

        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal
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        鈴木優香(Yuka Suzuki) / 山岳収集家。大学院卒業後はアウトドアメーカーに入社し、商品企画・デザインを手がける。2016年に独立し、山で見た景色をハンカチに仕立ててゆくプロジェクト「MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR」を開始。山と旅をライフワークとしながら、写真・デザイン・執筆などを通じた表現活動を続けている。

        Yuka Suzuki is a "mountain collector". After graduating from graduate school, she joined an outdoor manufacturer, where she was involved in product planning and design. In 2016, she became independent and started "MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR", a project where she creates handkerchiefs inspired by mountain sceneries she has visited. As the mountains and travels make up her daily work-life, she continues to express herself through photography, design, writing, as well as other activities.

        2020年10月4日(日) Oct 4, 2020

        写真: 山田薫 文章: 藤本麻子,メディアサーフコミュニケーションズ株式会社

        Photographer: Kaoru Yamada Text: Asako Fujimoto,Media Surf Communications Inc.



