『重要』「Goldwin Online Store利用規約」の改定について

        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #03 2020 Fall - Winter - Journal #03

        ライフスタイルコーディネーター - 山藤陽子 Lifestyle coordinator - Yoko Yamafuji





        What is important to you when you choose a product to buy? Aspects like shape, color, price, weight, fashionability, and brand are all conditions of our conscious decision-making, but surprisingly often, it comes down to intuition. Incidentally, it makes me smile to find I am wearing so much blue or yellow.

        Visiting the salon run by lifestyle coordinator Yoko Yamafuji, I spy a fine selection of everyday items related to clothing, food, and living. In an age when most things can be bought online, this might be a great opportunity to think about the way we make choices and what we like.

        Interview 「心地よい裏切り」



        Interview “Hidden comfort”

        I am sure anyone can recall a time they didn’t buy something they liked the look of because when they picked it up, it did not feel right. Yoko said, “I put a lot of trust in the way something feels—whether it ‘feels good’ when I pick it up.” Under her business trading name YORK., she provides brand consulting, cosmetics product development, and more. The theme that unites all of her work is “feeling good.”

        Smiling gently, she added, “Being surrounded by things that feel good, isn’t that happiness right there?” Wearing or having things that you like, in other words, is self-care. “When you relax mentally, your body relaxes and you feel better. You become kinder too, so it is nothing but good.”



        Closed yet friendly, kind power, light robustness. At first glance, these appear to be a barrage of opposites, but Yoko commented, “Rather than things that put individuality first, the products I find most appealing are those that conceal a real depth.” This applies to her favorite outdoor brand too. “Take travel gear—a lot of it has basic design and focuses on practicality. I love the fact that there is nothing flashy about it, but it is jam-packed with functionality.” This is where the motto of YORK. comes from: “Hidden comfort.”

        Yoko first encountered Icebreaker at an outdoors shop she casually dropped by. “It just felt great when I picked it up and since then, I have been wearing Icebreaker. The smooth, stress-free comfort is amazing.” Icebreaker, which has continued to engage with New Zealand’s great outdoors and its people, is one reason why the brand spirit attracts attention. “You feel the affection for sheep, the producer, and the consumer. The more I find about the manufacturing process, the more I love the brand.”


        山藤さんは、2021年に新たなパフュームブランド『SCENT OF YORK』をローンチすることが決定している。数量限定での製作をとなるそうだが、「もし追加で製作することになっても、調香する際の部屋の環境とか、使用する精油自体にも微差がありますし、全く同じ香りに出会ることはありません。その時々の些細な違いも含めて、楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです」。


        Yoko also has a line of essential oil aromas. A mist she created previously with Icebreaker is now a botanical mist inspired by the “power and kindness” of merino wool and New Zealand’s nature. “I wanted this to embody the smoothness of merino and the billowing softness of wool. It is mixed with hints of New Zealand like the fresh semi-sweetness of manuka honey.” Like merino wool, the mist also repels insects and by dousing woodchips in it and placing them in your closet, your clothes will stay at their best.

        Yoko has now decided to launch SCENT OF YORK., a new perfume brand, in 2021. It will be available in limited batches, but “even if we produce additional products, you will never have exactly the same fragrance twice because no two rooms are the same and because of minor variations in the essential oils used. I hope people will enjoy those occasional little shifts.”

        Lately, the restrictions on people coming and going have been lifted, but still, “Our customers are taking a bit of a risk when they go out shopping. That redoubles my desire to make sure we are serving them even better.” Yoko finds that selection is one thing, but the role of communicating the qualities of products is a vital role. “There are some things that you hear about from others but only realize how good they are when you pick them up. But for me, I make sure that we are not pushing customers into products by telling them how well they suit them for example. I hope that this salon is a place where customers who come in can discover things for themselves.”


        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal 特設ページはこちらより

        Thinking back to the spring of 2020, Yoko did not see any big changes in her living environment, but, she said, “I spent more time at home, which was a good opportunity to review a lot of things.” For example, some people may have realized the value of things like “sustainable” and “hygge” instead of just hearing them as buzzwords. “I have always wanted to live in a society where people focus not on how to spend their money, but rather on getting together with friends and family for a long and lazy meal in a world that allows the time for spiritual enrichment. That would be delightful.” Finally, she added gently, “Wouldn’t it be good if more people would take a break from going out all the time and rather relax and enjoy the comfort of their own homes if the mood takes them?”

        2020 Fall - Winter - Journal
        Click here to visit our special page

        ライフスタイルコーディネーター - 山藤陽子

        山藤陽子(Yoko Yamafuji) / ライフスタイルコーディネーター・YORK.代表。「気持ちいいこと」をテーマに、ブランドコンサルティングや化粧品の商品開発など幅広く活動。2015年にオープンしたサロン・HEIGHTSには、日常にまつわる気持ちいいセレクトアイテムが並んでいる。

        Lifestyle coordinator. Head of YORK. Under the theme of “feeling good,” she has a broad range of business activities from brand consulting to cosmetics product development. Opened the salon Heights in 2015 featuring a selection of feel-good everyday products.

        2020年10月4日(日) Oct 4, 2020

        写真: 山田薫 文章: 藤本麻子,メディアサーフコミュニケーションズ株式会社

        Photographer: Kaoru Yamada Text: Asako Fujimoto,Media Surf Communications Inc.



