Window is a curation media that archives and disseminates THE NORTH FACE’s “past” and “future” practice to realize a sustainable society and dialogues on nature with practitioners from various fields.
When THE NORTH FACE drew its first breath, the founders developed the following three policies;
Be the best company producing the world's highest quality products in the outdoor industry
Having fun (provide enjoyment to many people and enjoy ourselves as well)
Throughout various communication, spread the importance of nature conservation to the world.
Especially, the third policy is one of the most important missions in our time where societal interest in the environment has never been higher.
We believe the imagination that speculates hopeful vision and solidarity which goes beyond industries and the boundary are indispensable to realize a sustainable society.
We hope Window will be an opportunity to glimpse the future vision and open the new horizons throughout exploring the field of imagination that we all have.
Yosemite’s Half Dome
Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point, Winter, Yosemite National Park, California, c. 1937.
Photograph by Ansel Adams
Collection Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
© The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust
In the first store of THE NORTH FACE, where our exploration for the relationship with earth and nature embarked, the photography of magnificent Yosemite Valley taken by Ansel Adams, a photographer who loved nature and had created numerous masterpieces that express its greatness and beauty and made outstanding achievements as an environmentalist was showcased.
This photography in which the half dome stands out exquisitely is the inspiration of our logo and symbol of our never stop exploration.